Signage Maintenance & Sign board repair

Signage is one of the important things that contributes to your brand representation. Imagine if your signage is damaged, or not working properly what impression does a customer take? Signage maintenance and service is another major step to consider when rebranding or maintaining your existing signage. The recommended maintenance period for signage is every three months, with the recent change in global warming, severe weather conditions, and demographics more and more signs are getting damaged quicker. Damaged signage can directly result in financial loss as it plays an important role in marketing and branding strategy.

The services we provide for signage repair in Dubai are:

Signage maintenance & servicing:

No matter how much budget you allocate for your signage, if it is not maintained well it will start showing minor or major faults and stop working. As time passes the performance of the signage deteriorates. Simple cleaning methods can keep your signage bright and visible giving your signage a longer life, which can directly impact your business image. At Dubai signage we offer professional signage maintenance and repair services in Dubai and around the UAE. Whether it is indoor, outdoor, LED, digital, building, rooftop, rope access signage, or way-finding signage we can provide maintenance solutions for any kind of signage. Our team of professional individuals will inspect, diagnose, assess the damage, repair, clean, and bring the signage to the original standards. We will provide you with a hassle and stress-free process so that you can provide top-quality services to your customers and grow your business.

LED replacement for signage and letters:

Signages fitted with LEDs have different types of LED bulbs which keep the signage bright and lit, with time and extreme weather they can get damaged and stop working. If the LED bulbs are blown because of any issue, the signage will not look pretty and the only way is to change the damaged ones. 

Signage transformer replacement:

One of the common issues with LED-fitted signboards can be a faulty transformer. This can affect the lighting of the signage in different ways, some of the alphabets not working or the LED bulbs not providing enough brightness according to their potential, this can defeat the point of having a well-designed and well-lit signage and make it look awkward. When it comes to transformers we use one of the best available in the market, it is a 300W waterproof transformer suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and provides a constant voltage which will save your LED or circuit from being damaged. 

Signage wiring maintenance: 

Signage boards are designed with complex electrical circuits that can stop working for several reasons, the severe weather in Dubai being one of the main reasons. The recent rain and flooding have caused many signage with wiring/ circuit failures resulting in the signage not being functional. Here at Dubai Signage our staff with abundant knowledge and experience in electrical maintenance of signages can provide you with a satisfying and cost-effective way to solve the problem. 

Signboard storm and weather damage repair:

Whether extreme hot weather or sand storms, Dubai is known for both. Extreme weather can be one of the biggest reasons the signage loses its colour, physically getting damaged. If your sign needs to be replaced or repaired to its original glory, kindly contact us as soon as possible so we can assist you. 

We respond to your signage breakdown inquiries within the allocated time frame, according to the urgent nature of the breakdown.

For any signage enquiries big or small please contact us @ 055499173 our experience team will be able to assist you.


Signage Maintenance Dubai

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